About me

A bilingual certified business coach with a university degree in psychology and a vocational qualification, I have been coaching leaders in German or English for several years. My typical clients range from junior to senior leaders, often working for middle-sized companies in multi-national settings.

For many years, I have assumed several HR roles in settings similar to those of my typical clients. Essential to my pro­fes­sio­nal duties is to provide HR advice and support to leaders across the de­­part­­ments, and I do know the chal­len­ges they have to face. Apart from using tools from or­ga­ni­sa­tion and leader­ship development, I often draw on my expertise in Po­si­ti­ve Psychology to further my clients‘ competences in lead­ing themselves, their teams, and their companies.

My focus is on positive leadership, and I believe that a leadership culture that is true to its com­pa­ny values is part and parcle of staff de­ve­lop­ment.

My personal assets

Having lived in many different places in the world, I am a curious, open-minded and interculturally competent person by design.

Best wishes 

Sylvia Hohwiller
